As mentioned in my last post, I
have another target bird, the Clay-colored Sparrow.
Though considered rare this species is
probably fairly regular as a fall migrant.
They winter in south Texas through western Mexico and are occasionally
found in southern Arizona in the winter.
I do not see Clay-colored Sparrows every year but when I do, it is
usually in a mixed-species sparrow flock, often with Brewer’s or Chipping
So that is my focus.
It is the First of October and that means I
should also be looking for vagrant warblers.
I’ve wanted to go play in the mud, so
Wednesday 1st morning I head down the Santa Cruz River
at Clark Crossing.
I heard the
conditions there were great for anyone wanting to play in the mud – I wasn’t disappointed.
The De Anza Trail doesn’t exist anymore
immediately south of Clark Crossing.
Santa Cruz River has created multiple channels and much of the underbrush has
been washed away or buried in mud.
It still looks promising for birds,
particularly waterthrushes which I did not find.
I did find one mixed-species flock the held
several warblers including a
This species is easily
missed and is not found every year.
feel pretty fortunate to have found one for the year and so early in the
Once I had enough of playing in
the mud, I following the De Anza Trail to the north.
Rather than mud, the trail was dry &
dusty, I found mosquitos.
While I was
listening to the
Sinaloa Wren
performing his ratchet calls, it was all I could do to not run because of the
There were at least six Gray
Hawks still present, though I only saw a couple of them I heard six distinct
individuals calling as an adult Zone-tailed Hawk cruised south along the river
at tree-top level. After leaving Tubac, I stopped at the Amado Pond.
There was very little activity except the
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
and they weren’t very active.
I made
what I thought was going to be just a scouting stop at the Elephant Head Road
trailhead for the De Anza Trail.
wanted to check out the weed conditions to see if it was worth a stop at a
later time to look for sparrows.
It was
late morning and I didn’t think much would be active.
The weeds, grass, and scattered Mesquites looked
good for sparrow.
I walked from my truck
to get a better look at several yellow-bellied kingbirds when I flushed a small
flock of sparrows.
The second sparrow I
look at in my binoculars was a
Sparrow! I studied it for several seconds before it took off with at least
Brewer’s Sparrows and six
Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrows. What
an incredible morning of birding! At this point in the game, any year bird is
good; particularly good when they come in twos, and even better when I find them
myself rather than chasing someone else’s find. Now I need to find another
target bird.
Townsend's Warbler |
Louise & I decide late in
the morning
Thursday 2nd
to take a hike up in Madera Canyon.
is October and I decided this would be the first of the Quetzal Quest Treks.
More like a training hike than a QQT.
It was a wonderful hike with the highlight
bird-wise being four
Townsend’s Warblers.
There were quiet a few Red-bordered Satyrs flitting about and Madera Creek is flowing wonderfully. The biggest highlight of all was being able to spend some quality time
with my beautiful wife.
Red-bordered Satyr |
Hopkins Fork Madera Creek |
Friday 3rd I ventured up in to Florida Canyon. It has been a long while, since late August
that I’ve birded here. I was hoping that
the Rufous-capped Warblers had moved down the canyon a bit making it easier for
guiding. The paths that birders created
& basically the entire area are now overgrown and the creek is running
full. Because of the former, seeing
birds was difficult. Because of the
latter, hearing birds was difficult.
Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable walk through the bush. I did hear at least one
Rufous-capped Warbler and one
Gnatcatcher. I was away from the creek
a bit when I heard each of them but both were deep in the vegetation so no
On Saturday 4th I joined Molly, Mark, & Gary for an
enjoyable day at the AZFO Annual Meeting in Miami, AZ. It was a wonderful day of informative
presentations and meeting with birding friends from through the state. I also was fortunate to meeting several
birding colleagues that previously I had only communicated with via email or
known only by reputation. It was a day full of birds with only one eBird
checklist, Mark stopped along the highway overlooking Boyce Thompson Arboretum
and we counted Turkey Vultures
coming onto roost.
On Sunday 5th I paid a late morning visit to the Green
Valley WTTP. Among a loose group of Long-billed Dowitchers I found one Short-billed Dowitcher. Otherwise
shorebird numbers and there habitat are diminishing. Also of note was an immature Greater White-fronted Goose in the
basin south of the entrance road. I am
note sure what was more noteworthy, the goose or the basin filled with water.
During an evening walk Louise and I found five Lesser Nighthawks hawking insects of the lighted entrance to the
Broad-billed Hummingbirds |
Monday 6th Louise and I walked from the Proctor Road
parking area up past the Whitehouse Picnic Area & back.
We found an almost late
Yellow-billed Cuckoo feeding with a large number immature
Blue Grosbeaks and a female
Broad-billed Hummingbird feeding one
I photographed the
hummingbirds while the juvenile embraced its mother’s bill for the food
transfer, very interesting to witness.
There was also a late(?)
Sparrow at the Proctor Road parking area where I believe a pair bred
recently. On our evening walk through the neighborhood, Louise & I counted only
Lesser Nighthawks and late in
the evening I heard a
Barn Owl
calling near the house.
Moon & Lesser Nighthawk over Madera Reserve |
Juvenile Gray Hawk |
Tuesday 7th I walked the De Anza Trail south & then
north of Santa Gertrudis Lane.
I had a
large number of vireos; 1
Cassin’s, and 10
The latter two triggered eBird filters.
There was also a female
Black-and-white Warbler along the river just north of the
Otherwise it is starting to feel
like fall.
At the end of this week, the
yearly total is 392 with the
addition of the Clay-colored Sparrow & the Tennessee Warbler. I’m still deciding on what the next “target”
will be but I am planning a trip to look for Baird’s Sparrow, Sprague’s Pipit,
and McCown’s Longspurs soon.
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