November 12, 2013 Tuesday (continued): Louise and I put Rainbow Beach behind us and set our
sights for O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat in Lamington National Park. We have about a four-hour drive ahead which
puts us at our destination near sunset.
The navigation set guides us back to the main highway and then south
towards Brisbane. Louise is able to
correlate the Nav set directions with our printed Google directions until
somewhere south of Brisbane. The Nav set has us staying on the main highway for
a ways before directing us on to secondary roads. We quickly learn that this is going to take
much longer than four hours. Every 10-20
kilometers the highway is under construction and the speed limit drops from a
nice 110 km/h to what seems like a snails pace of 70 km/h or less. We
call O’Reilly’s to let them know we will be late, estimating it will be about
8PM. They say we are OK, but if we thought we were going to arrive after 10PM
we’d need to make special arrangements. We eventually get to the spot where
Google & Nav set directions diverge.
We follow the Nav set since staying on highways as long as possible
seems like a good idea. Eventually we
get off the high speed highway and find ourselves going through small
suburban-type towns at slower than a snails pace, 40-50 km/h (~25 to ~30
mph). As we get into a more rural
setting the speed limit goes up but the width of the road decreases. We begin to wonder if we are on the right
road. We proceed; the road quality
diminishes as well as the width of the sealed portion. The sealed (Australian for paved) portion of the road is barely wide
enough for our Hyundai Elantra. We
proceed. Louise determines that the Nav
set route, after a few tens of kilometers and several turns, will eventually
correlate with the Google directions. We continue while it gets dark and begins
to sprinkle. Even though we are on
Lamington Park Road, there are no signs for the park or O’Reilly’s. We feel we are on the road to nowhere! We
drive for what seemed like an eternity on one of the narrowest twisty mountain
roads I have ever been on. Its saving
grace was it is paved and each hairpin curve well marked. We finally reach an intersection with
direction signs; Canungra is 26 km back the way we came, Kamarun Lookout is 0.5
km to the left, and a small brown sign that simply had “OR 10” (no
direction). We would have phoned
O’Reilly’s again to find out if we were on the right road, but there was no
cell phone service! We decide to go 10 km more and if we don’t find anything we
are turning back. It’s bloody dark and
raining koalas. After a little more than 9 km we begin to see glowing lights,
then a parking lot off to the right, then a registration this way sign. We made it at about 9pm. Relieved, we decide that this must be the
back-way in. I peel my fingers from the
steering wheel and we head inside to register.
A delightful young
lady with a cheerful smile greets us. “Laurens?” she asks. We were the only
guests they were expecting that evening who had not yet arrived. We share our
story and she responds with a smile that the route we took is the only way in
or out of O’Reilly’s and Lamington National Park. She then switches subjects and asks if we
wish to go see the tree frogs since they come out in the rain. We decline, maybe tomorrow night, right now
we are not in the mood for any damn tree frogs.
She smiles, hands us a key, tells us to drive 50 meters that way, our room
is the last one on the left.
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Red-eyed Green Tree Frog |
We unpack the car and
find ourselves in a lovely room with beautiful artwork of the local
wildlife. As our mood becomes more
peaceful, we begin to appreciate the gentle rainforest rain. I go back outside and find one of those tree
frogs. They are really cool.
As we are settling
in, the electricity goes out. In the
dark we use our cell phones for light to find some extra blankets and the
headlamp I brought. The electricity
flickers a few times before staying out.
We decide to just go to bed.
Lulled to sleep by the gentle rain pattering on the skylights, we sleep
November 13, 2013 Wednesday: O’Reilly’s
Rainforest Retreat is located in Lamington National Park
in Queensland, west of the Gold Coast and south-southwest of Brisbane. The O’Reilly family settled on this land four
years before the establishment of the park in 1915. Dense rainforest, the National Park, and BIRDS
surround the O’Reilly’s. The grounds
around the retreat buildings include open grassy areas, display gardens,
sections of rainforest in regrowth, the necessary paved roads (few), car parks
(small), & buildings, and BIRDS. All
in all it is a spectacular place. I
first learned of O’Reilly’s years ago when Louise and I first considered a trip
to Australia. Dear friend and birding
buddy, Carl Haynie had taken his family there.
Carl stated that O’Reilly’s was a “must see”!
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Male Regent Bowerbird - worthy to be an icon |
I wake up to the
sounds on birds. The rain has ceased and the electricity is on. I feel as if it is going to be a wonderful
day. I slip on some clothes, grab my
binocs & camera, give Louise a kiss, and step outside. Beautiful sounds are
emanating from all directions; it is nearly deafening but delightful. It is very foggy with the visibility at about
50 feet. I see lots of formless color
flying about. I head towards the loudest
bird sound and see a Regent Bowerbird with golden crown, nape, & wings on a
glossy black body glowing thru the murkiness – this is surreal. Yet quite
appropriate that my first bird at O’Reilly’s is their icon. Then there is a Crimson Rosella and a Satin
Bowerbird. There are a couple of little
things flitting that disappear into the fog before I can raise my
binoculars. Some sort of pigeon zooms by. I hear a
Whipbird in the forest. It goes on and on.
There are others wandering about looking this way & that, trying to
take in as much as possible, and looking overwhelmed. It seems so unreal, like
a fantasy or dream-like. These moments
and the rest of the day prove to be a very awesome real experience.
A gentleman is
pounding a stick into the ground trying to make a perch that looks more natural
than the picket fence next to a bird feeder.
Within seconds, a male Regent Bowerbird occupies this ad hoc perch. The man rushes back to his camera and starts
taking pictures. I join him. After a few dozen shutter-clicks the man
stops, looks at his images and begins cursing.
The fog is so thick at the moment that it is noticeably diffusing images
at a few meters. Wishing to distance
myself from this man’s pessimism I move on. I will let nothing, particularly someone else
reality, spoil this moment.
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Not Louise's hand |
The fog lifts and I
see people beginning to gather in front of the registration building – the
scheduled bird walk. I rush back to our room to find Louise ready. We join the small crowd and wait for the
leader. Our leader, Matt, shows up with
a bag of bird feed. He passes out
portions to anyone willing. The birds
know the routine. Before long a very
British-looking lady (could have been the Queen’s sister) has a male Regent
Bowerbird sitting on her fingertips eating seed from her palm. The Rosellas
seem to prefer perching on someone’s head or shoulder before feeding. Louise has three Regent Bowerbirds, a male
and two females feeding together on her palm.
Then she has a Crimson Rosella nibbling away. Yes, I too hold out my hand. However I don’t let anyone take pictures of
me with a Bowerbird or a Rosella, that wouldn’t be right! For most of the group, this is the highlight
of the bird-walk. After several minutes of this disgraceful, both avian and
human, behavior our guide leads us to one of the nearby trails. Matt begins calling out bird names of what he
is hearing and seeing. I try to stay
close, picking up whatever pointers I can.
Most of what I get is bird names that I can later find a description and
identify on my own. He does provide such
information as “down this track one might find the Albert’s Lyrebird” and
similar directions to some of the more difficult species to be found in the
area. But his job is to entertain this
group. Only a few of us have binoculars so I am hesitant to call this a group
of birders. All in all he did
great. The group was happy and I was
able to derive some information that enhanced my experiences yet to come. When Matt learned that Louise and I were from
Arizona, he excitedly questioned “you have Harris’s Hawks”? I smiled and confirmed there is a Harris’s
Hawk family a few miles (oops, kilometers) from our home. I later learn that Matt, in additions to the
bird walks, runs the raptor show for O’Reilly’s. At the conclusion of the bird-walk Louise and
I have a wonderful breakfast.

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Laurens on the Tree Top Walk |
For the rest of the
day Louise and I explore several of the nearby rainforest tracks (Australian
for trails) and the grounds in the immediate vicinity of O’Reilly’s. The Booyong Track (most of it is a boardwalk)
leads through the rainforest to the Treetop Walk and the Mountain Botanical Garden. The Treetop Walk is a suspension bridge up to
the lower portion of the canopy 18 meters (~60ft) above the ground and ladders
leading to two observation platforms at 24 and 30 meters (~80 & ~100ft)
above ground. The view from the upper
platforms is spectacular and reportedly the birding can be fantastic in the
early mornings and late afternoons. We were there mid-day and had to “settle”
for family groups of Grey & Rufous Fantails, Brown Gerygones, Thornbills,
and Yellow-throated Scrubwrens. The
Mountain Botanical Garden was formerly an established and maintained garden with
many non-native or exotic plants, nice walkways, water features, and many
exposed boulders. Nature is reclaiming
this piece of land. Locally this is referred to as “regrowth rainforest”. The surrounding mature rainforest is
encroaching upon and will eventually overwhelm man’s intrusion here. For now,
the relative lack of canopy meant the sunlight reaches nearly to the ground and
the undergrowth, both exotic and re-established native vegetation, was denser
than most other areas of the rainforest.
With the openness of the canopy, Louise and I were able to track down
some of the vocalizations we were hearing, namely a pair of Golden Whistlers. We also see a Carpet Python and large
lizard-like creature that I believe is some sort of Skink. There is an indescribable attractive power to
this former garden and we return several times during our stay at O’Reilly’s.
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Side scratching Australian Logrunner |
While walking back
from the garden we stop at the sounds of scratching and rustling on the forest
floor. I had learned that the best way
to find the Albert’s Lyrebird when it was not displaying was to track down any
scratching sounds heard in the rainforest.
This is also a good way to find Australian Logrunners. What sounded like it was going to be a single
large bird turned out to be four Logrunners.
And Logrunners like to scratch.
The scratching birds I am familiar with scratch forward and back inline
with their bodies. Using their stiff
tail feathers for support, Logrunners scratch sideways throwing debris left and
right while searching for food. While
watching this interesting foraging behavior, a fifth Logrunner appears and let
out an alarm call. For the bird watcher, an alarm call typically means the end
of relaxing observation with birds scattering to directions usually not
suitable for further observation. With
at least this family it meant much easier observations. All five birds “flee” in our direction. One goes behind us. Two cross under the boardwalk and two over. They all pause perched up and appear to look
back through Louise & I into the forest from where they came. Perhaps a
snake or something spooked them. The two
humans, apparently invisible to Logrunners, were thrilled to be treated with
such spectacular views of this unique bird.
In the afternoon we
visit the National Park Visitor Center looking for ideas on a slightly longer
trek for later in the afternoon and tomorrow before must leave this wonderful
place. Before we get over to the visitor
center a young lady (who was also on the morning bird walk) waves us over to
see what she has discovered. As we
approach, she points to a snake actively hunting in the tall grass. She has no idea what kind of snake it is and
hopes I know. I become very cautious
since Australia has many venomous snakes and none have a warning device
attached to their tail. The snake is
beautiful, long sleek glossy black above and deep red below. While observing and photographing the snake,
I am unaware of what kind but I treat it with respect and keep a safe
distance. It turns out to be a Red-bellied
Black Snake, highly venomous, fatal if one receives a prolonged bite. They are reportedly timid preferring to flee
rather than strike. However if stepped
on or handled, watch out!
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Red-bellied Black Snake - the business end |
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Bower of a male Satin Bowerbird |
Our last walk of the
day is to the closest waterfall in a string of falls several kilometers
away. The waterfall itself was rather
unimpressive though the trek through the rainforest is very enjoyable. We were far away from human activity near
O’Reilly’s and I believed our chances of finding some of the more secretive
birds much improved. At the waterfall
there is a Rufous Fantail dancing about catching insects. While taking pictures of the Fantail, I notice
the darkening sky. Louise & I begin
a fast paced walk back towards O’Reilly’s racing both the setting sun and the
impending rain. We still take time to
look at a Pademelon foraging on the forest floor and more family groups of
Australian Logrunners scratching away at the decaying leaf litter. At one point something blue on the forest
floor catches my eye. We find the bower
of a male Satin Bowerbird. The bower is
a structure made of sticks & grass and decorated with colorful & shiny
objects. All three bowers we saw were
decorated with blue objects, which probably mean more mature male Bowerbirds
built them. The decorated bowers along
with a male’s courtship dance are used to attract females for mating. Sounds like a sex temple. Later we stop again to investigate scratching
& rustling sounds. I was fortunate
to see a body and the long curved tail feathers of an Albert’s Lyrebird as it
disappears under log. Despite waiting
several minutes, we could not detect this bird again. Though I had a very unsatisfying
look at this bird, I did see one of the more coveted and difficult to see
species endemic to this area.
We arrive back at our
room just in time for the sprinkle to turn into a steady rain. I put aside any plans for owling this evening. We have a wonderful dinner and crash for the
evening. [eBird checklist]
November 14, 2013 Thursday: We spend another
morning walking several of the same tracks we covered yesterday. While walking back along the Booyong Track,
we run into Glen Trelfo guiding two Australian guests. We had talked with Glen a few times earlier
before realizing his celebrity-ship.
Glen has been a guide at O’Reilly’s for more than thirty-years, has
produced a number of films & documentaries concerning rainforest wildlife,
has worked with the likes of David Attenborough, and is a really nice guy. He waves Louise & I closer and has us
join him and his clients. Glen reaches
into his pockets, pulls out a handful of bird feed (looked like granola to me),
and places some in each of our hands.
Within seconds an Eastern Whipbird is on one of our hands trying to get
at the feed. While we all having the
opportunity to feed this Whipbird, we learned that he is named Mister
Whippy. Mr Whippy lives along this
stretch of the trail and comes out for a show when Glen offers feed. Glen believes Mr Whippy is 13 plus years old. Eastern Whipbirds are generally pretty shy or
at least difficult to get a good look at.
Having a bird feeding in ones hand kind of takes the mystic away from
the bird, however it is good to have such good views and I of course try to get
a few pictures. Not to be out done, a
Yellow-throated Scrubwren joins the feeding party. The Yellow-throated Scrubwren somewhat resembles
a Common Yellowthroat in plumage and in behavior. Having bright yellow under parts including
the throat and a black mask, Louise & I temporarily rename this bird
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Russet-tailed Thrush |
As we are packing up
and getting ready to leave, I make another short attempt to see Lyrebird better
or even find a Noisy Pitta. I find a Russet-tailed Thrush foraging in the
open and am fortunate that there is adequate light for photography. This was a
nice reclusive bird to wrap up our short visit to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat
and Lamington National Park.
Being that there is
only one way or out of O’Reilly’s, we retrace our path down the mountains. [eBird checklist]
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The "Sign" |
stop at the sign that kept us going the other night, we laugh that this was the
only marker we saw on the way up that hinted that O’Reilly’s was just a bit
further. As we descend the mountains, we
pass through more interesting habitats; dense forest but dryer looking than
above, Eucalyptus forest, then into the valleys with grassy pastures. Eventually get out to the main north-south
highway and cross into New South Wales.
The highway route teeters between coastal plains & piedmont terrain
and forest, wetland, & pasture habitats.
This is another beautiful drive.
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Probable Short-tailed Shearwater |
We arrive at our
lodging in Nambucca Heads a few hours before sunset. Nambucca Heads is a town along the mid-north
coast of New South Wales where the Nambucca River flows into the Pacific
Ocean. We check into the Riverview
Boutique Motel. Our host suggests a walk
along the river out towards the ocean and mentions something called a V-wall. The V-wall is a V-shaped rock seawall
protecting part of the town and an estuary from the ocean. Along a significant stretch of one leg of the
wall, locals (mostly) have decorated the rocks with artistic graffiti. The themes of the graffiti ranges from silly
to memorials to advertisements to wedding proposals. This has become a major tourist attraction
for the town. Personally I am more
interested in the Wedge-tailed Shearwaters floating in the water just on the
other side of the rocks. At least I
believe they are Wedge-tailed. There is
a large colony of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters at Coffs Harbour less than 40 km
away. [from someone with more knowledge than I, these are likely Short-tailed Shearwaters] None of my field guides show
shearwaters on the water. Eremaea Birds
(a birding atlas similar to eBird) and eBird are of little help in determining
which species to expect in this area. All the flying
shearwaters are in poor light and too distant to see any fieldmarks. So, I hope someone that knows more about
identification of these species will see my photographs and help me out.
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Flying-foxes flying at dusk over Nambucca Heads |
While walking out to
the V-wall, Louise and I find a Sacred Kingfisher. This, besides the kookaburras, is the only
kingfisher species and individual we see.
There was also another Willie Wagtail putting on a show and a
White-faced Heron hunting in a lagoon.
The sun sets as we walk back to the motel. We watch an Australian Pelican fishing in the
river. We are watching a flock of herons
flying into the sunset when we see a swirling mass of flying objects emerging
from the hills overlooking town. After a while some get close enough for us to
see that they are bats, giant bats, oh Flying-foxes. There must have been thousands of them. We learn that they roost in the remnant
rainforest across the road from our accommodations and we will be able to see
them in the morning. We find ourselves
both hunger and tired. We stop for a
wonderful dinner at a small chef run restaurant just a block from the hotel
before retiring for the evening. [eBird checklist TBD]
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Flying-foxes roosting |
November 15, 2013 Friday: Before
breakfast is served, I take another walk along the river. Flying overhead I see dozens of
White-throated Needletails hawking insects.
While trying to photograph the Needletails, I notice a raptor soaring
overhead. The raptor is a Brahminy Kite.
The Brahminy Kite ranges through coastal habitats in northern Australia. This is about as far south as they get on the
east coast and I am feeling very fortunate to have seen this one. At breakfast we learn from a Belgian couple
that yesterday there was a Tawny Frogmouth roosting nearby. With the gentlemen’s help we find both male
and female Frogmouth with the female on a nest.
Louise & I explore the nearby remnant rainforest, part of a local
park. This is where the Flying-foxes
roost. Though the smell was pretty harsh
and there was the constant concern of getting hit with smelly stuff, it was
really interesting walking among these restless giant bats. Birds were few. We heard a family of Laughing Kookaburras
laughing and then saw one play through the bat roost. There was the ubiquitous
Lewin’s Honeyeater and Australian Magpies precariously nesting under the bats. After checking out of the motel, Louise &
I visit several overlooks with wonderful vistas of the Pacific Ocean and the
Nambucca River estuary. [eBird checklist
After a seemingly
very short visit, we get back on the road.
We have a plane bound for New Zealand to catch this afternoon. The story of getting to the Sydney Airport
and catching the plane will be saved for some other time. So to close this chapter of our adventure –
we catch our flight!
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