28 May 2014 Wednesday: Today
began two days guiding Barbara & Douglass, two ladies from Louisiana. We started in Green Valley with three
Harris’s Hawks near their nest site and were fortunate to see a Gilded Flicker
in a nearby Saguaro. At Continental Wash we looked in on the nesting Red-tailed
Hawks and found a pair of Rufous-winged Sparrows. Further up Whitehouse Canyon Road we found a
pair of Crissal Thrashers in an area that I had not seen them before. At Proctor Road in lower Madera Canyon we
scored many of the expected species for the season including Botteri’s Sparrow,
Varied Bunting, & Blue Grosbeak. At
the Santa Rita Lodge & Madera Kubo we enjoyed a few hummingbirds including
Magnificent, Arizona Woodpecker, Greater Pewee, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, and
Painted Redstart. We dipped on Elegant
Trogon along the first mile of the Super Trail yet found Dusky-capped
Flycatchers, a Swainson’s Thrush, and Rufous-crowned Sparrows.
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher |
Arizona Woodpecker |
Blue Grosbeak |
In the evening I headed back up
to Proctor Road for a nightjar search.
While driving up at milepost 4 on Whitehouse Canyon Road I saw a Prairie
Falcon cruise by. Prairie Falcons in
southeast Arizona at this time of year are very local and this is not one of
the usual locales. At my nightjar spot,
the Buff-collared Nightjar began calling at 19:35, earlier than the other two
night birds heard this evening. The
nightjar sang for eleven minutes from various perches, one within twenty-five
feet away and I saw it silhouetted as it flew by once. The bird resumed singing at 20:12 (nearly a
half hour of silence). I was able to
approach the bird, see eyeshine with my headlamp, and made several voice
recordings. The bird continued singing
until at least 20:37 when I got back to my truck.
29 May 2014 Thursday: After
the long drive from Green Valley, we (Barbara, Douglass, & myself) birded Huachuca Canyon above the 1.7 mile
picnic area. We found three Elegant
Trogons (a female & two males), three pairs of noisy Sulphur-bellied
Flycatchers, two Buff-breasted Flycatchers, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Western Tanagers, Black-throated Gray Warblers, and heard a day calling Spotted
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (rare) - shaking off water after bathing |
Black-throated Gray Warbler - posed after bathing |
Male Western Tanager |
Up Miller Canyon we were able to
see the female Spotted Owl on the well-advertised nest however the chicks were
not visible. The male White-eared
Hummingbird continues to dazzle. Among the boulders of the washout through the
middle of the Beatty’s property, a family group of Rock Wrens were
entertaining. I left my camera & big lens in the truck because of the slight threat of rain. I did carry my scope since it was going to give us the best view of the Spotted Owl. Below are two photographs digitscoped with my iPhone:
Female Spotted Owl in cavity |
Dorsal view of male White-eared Hummingbird |
Just after starting down Miller Canyon Road from the Beatty's, we came across this beauty. My experiences with Gopher Snakes it that they usually flee unless cornered. Well this one wasn't fleeing and kicking at its tail did not seem to help encourage it to move along. I was about to get one of my hiking sticks when two AZF&G guys arrived. One jumps out of the truck and says its just a Gopher Snake and without hesitation reaches down, grabs the snake mid-section, and drops it in the weeds on the side of the road. Now that's a real man!

I left Barbara & Douglass in
Sierra Vista and drove up to St. David to see if I could find my year
Mississippi Kite. They had been reported
in the vicinity for more than two weeks and since I had the opportunity I
thought I would take a look. Near the
north end of Miller Lane in St. David, I found a perched Mississippi Kite perched in a large cottonwood. I pull off take several pictures and then
leave; the lighting was poor, the neighborhood did not look conducive to
birding, and I was tired.
Mississippi Kite |
30 May 2014 Friday: I pulled
feeder duty this morning and did not see the startthroat. At Amado Pond, the
most interesting sighting was my year Purple
Martin. There are not many reports of this species at this particular
location. Perhaps nearly as interesting
were two continuing Neotropic Cormorants.
What could these cormorants find so attractive at this pond with so many
golf course ponds with fish just a few miles away? At Torres Blancas Golf Course an Osprey fly
over provided very nice photo opportunities with some very nice results.
31 May 2014 Saturday: The evening I took Ed & Sylvia for an
unsuccessful search for the Buff-collared Nightjar. Unlike a few evenings ago, the nightjar was
not heard my “secret” location.
Fortunately I will be with Ed & Sylvia for the next four days and will
have other opportunities for hearing the nightjar.
Five-striped Sparrow singing |
1 June 2014 Sunday: This morning
Ed & Sylvia joined me on an excursion to California Gulch. It was not until we got to the third stream
crossing that I found any Five-striped Sparrow.
Three birds were foraging in the old roadbed just above where it crosses
the dry stream. There is a small pool of
open water in the vicinity and that must have been the attraction. Otherwise, we ended up with a good count of
Five-striped Sparrows, seven with most of them being heard only. We also saw a few of the other specialties in
the gulch; Varied Buntings, Blue Grosbeak, Hooded Oriole, and Rufous-crowned
Five-striped Sparrow feeding |
In the evening, we met again for
some owling up in Madera Canyon. We
heard Flammulated, Elf, & Whiskered Screech-Owls and Mexican
2 June 2014 Monday: Another morning with Ed & Sylvia, this
morning we headed to Florida Canyon to search for the Rufous-capped
We found two singing male and
potentially a female (or at least a third bird) Rufous-capped Warblers near the
oak grove where they have been hanging out for several weeks.
In addition to the warblers we found a
calling Cordilleran Flycatcher (unusually low elevation), several fly by
Band-tailed Pigeons, and two adult male singing Indigo Buntings.
In the evening, we tried for the
nightjar again. This time we settled in
at the cattle guard on Proctor Road along with about eight to ten other folks
and listened to the Buff-collared Nightjar sing for about 3 minutes. Thankfully this species has such a
distinctive song.
Adult Northern Pygmy-Owl |
Baby Northern Pygmy-Owl |
3 June 2014 Tuesday: We arrived at the trailhead parking are below
the Beatty’s Guest Ranch at 07:35 and immediately proceeded through the
Beatty’s property up the trail to the Northern Pygmy-Owl nest. This species was one of Ed’s prime targets
for their visit to Arizona. It was also
the one I was most worried about. There
does not appear to be any accessible nests in Madera Canyon, I don’t know of
any along the Catalina Highway, the pair in Huachuca Canyon is nesting in an
inaccessible location, and these (Miller Canyon) birds could have fledged. As it turns out these birds have not
fledged. The female flies from the nest
cavity upon our arrival. After a few
minutes delay, one of the chicks pokes it head out of the hole. For the next hour or so we watch and
photograph the chick, sometimes two, looking out of their secure cavity in a
small oak tree in the middle of the dry streambed. After a while a couple of Mexican Jays arrive
on the scene, or at least nearby. One of
the adult pygmy-owls perches on a branch 50 yards away watching the jays. And when one of the jays forages directly
under the nest cavity, a second adult appears from nowhere and attacks the
Mexican Jay. The jay silently flees into
a nearby oak tree with the little owl in pursuit. After a scramble in the tree the jay flees
further with the owl on its tail and eventually away from the nest area. All the while the adult sitting on a branch
watches the other jay and the action.
Baby Spotted Owl |
I don’t think we could ever get
tired of watching the pygmy-owl family in action, time was waning and we need
to move on. We stopped briefly at the Spotted
Owl nest cavity and saw one chick. We
spent a little bit of time at the Beatty’s feeders allowing ourselves to be
dazzled by the hummingbirds including mister dazzling himself, the White-eared
We next headed over to Ash
Canyon B&B with hopes of getting a mid-day look at a Lucifer
Hummingbird. Unfortunately (but
expectedly) the Lucifer Hummingbird was a no show for the 90 minutes we waited.
However, we were entertained by four other species of hummingbirds and sweet
looks at both Scott’s & Bullock’s Orioles, both were brilliant males.
Male White-eared Hummingbird |
On our way back to Green Valley,
along Greaterville Road just west of Highway 82 we found a Zone-tailed Hawk
soaring over. This bird stayed overhead
long enough for me to stop the truck and all to get out & look.
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