19 March 2014 Wednesday: I
was out today with cousins Gail & Beth.
We started in Tubac. The Sinaloa
Wren was quickly found in the middle of the power line cut just off the Anza
Trail. Though I saw it briefly on the
ground & in the bushes everyone else there including Gail & Beth only
got to see it flying across an opening in the vegetation. We waited for the next forty minutes with
only a few ratchet calls letting us know it was still in the area, no more
visuals. While we were walking back
toward Ron Morriss Park, three Common Black-Hawks & two Zone-tailed Hawks
lifted off from nearby and flew overhead at close range giving all excellent
views. Such good views of these two hawks and having seen a perched Gray Hawk
earlier in the morning, we didn’t even hang around the hawk watch spot.
If it wasn't for the difficult walk up Florida Canyon, we could have called finding the Rufous-capped Warblers easy. We found the two warblers foraging along the path just past the low branch juniper tree. They danced around us for several minutes. With little other activity we decided to head to Madera Canyon.
At the Santa Rita Lodge, among the few hummingbirds was a Rufous Hummingbird and we found the continuing female Cassin's Finch up in the seed feeder nearest Cabin 1. Up at Madera Kubo the highlight was six Townsend's Warblers foraging in the large sycamore across the road from the gift shop.
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Common Black-Hawk just after lift off - the white spots are cottonwood cotton |
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Zone-tailed Hawk just after lift off |
If it wasn't for the difficult walk up Florida Canyon, we could have called finding the Rufous-capped Warblers easy. We found the two warblers foraging along the path just past the low branch juniper tree. They danced around us for several minutes. With little other activity we decided to head to Madera Canyon.
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Rock Wren |
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One of the two Rufous-capped Warblers |
At the Santa Rita Lodge, among the few hummingbirds was a Rufous Hummingbird and we found the continuing female Cassin's Finch up in the seed feeder nearest Cabin 1. Up at Madera Kubo the highlight was six Townsend's Warblers foraging in the large sycamore across the road from the gift shop.
20 March 2014 Thursday: Today was simply delightful. I watched the feeders at the Santa Rita Lodge
and Madera Kubo with Barb & Helene, a mother daughter duo. Helene, the mother was in her nineties and a
wonderful lady. There was no particularly exciting species, just a wonderful
few hours sharing the beautiful feather creatures with the ladies. The female
Cassin’s Finch continues at the Santa Rita Lodge. In the afternoon, I stopped at the Amado Pond
after running an errand. Only a handful
of winter ducks remain and the summer ducks have yet to arrive. There was a new year bird for me there, a Western Kingbird (278).
21-23 March 2014 Friday – Sunday:
This particular weekend was reserved for Louise and I to spend some time
together in Sedona. That means no guiding, however it doesn’t mean a lack of year birding. The only year bird I
wanted to pursue this weekend was Evening Grosbeak. There have been reports all winter at a few
spots in and around Sedona.
Unfortunately for me most of the recent reports were much closer to
Flagstaff and Williams. The lack of recent Sedona area reports didn’t keep me
from checking spots in the Village of Oak Creek and near Red Rock State Park
prior to arriving at our lodging. There
was even a report of four Evening Grosbeaks in the neighborhood where we were
staying back in November. Before
breakfast our first morning, Saturday, I walked the west half of the loop
formed by Kachina Drive, no grosbeaks but a really nice walk with many
birds. Later Saturday, Louise and I are
hiking along a trail towards “Devil’s Bridge”.
I stop to enjoy one of the several Black-chinned Sparrows singing. While watching one of the singing sparrows I
hear a remotely familiar but presently unidentifiable fight call. I look around and put my binocs on two Evening Grosbeaks flying past, a male
and a female. In awe I kept my binoculars pointed in the direction of where
they disappeared over a rise a few hundred yards to the west. A few hours before, it was the only species I
was looking for on my morning walk. I
had totally put them out of my mind for the time being and there they are! It
is totally amazing how nature works!
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Scenery - no hidden bird |
Sunday morning I find my self
walking the complete loop of Kachina Drive.
I am able to enjoy all the “regular” birds far better without my
“grosbeak-tunnel vision”. As I am stepping
up on the porch of the B&B I hear Evening Grosbeaks. I look up in time to
see three grosbeaks land in a tall leafless tree about 60 yards away. I run inside to grab my camera and manage to
get two of the three photographed, the two females. The male of this trio flew overhead as I got
back outside.
Perhaps a new tactic needs to be
employed. I was zero for three while
looking for the Evening Grosbeaks and two for two while not looking for the
grosbeaks. Hum?
24 March 2014 Monday: I spent the morning scouting lower Madera
Canyon. Singing Say’s Phoebe and Canyon
Towhee greeted me at the Proctor Parking Area.
The towhee wanted his picture taken so I obliged him. There were fewer migrants than I expected. It was delightful to hear and see one of two
Townsend’s Solitaires in full song. At the farthest bridge on the loop from the
parking area I found a pair of Black-capped
Gnatcatchers mixing it up with a pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. Further up
canyon at Madera Kubo, my first Black-headed
Grosbeak of the year made an appearance. Though
in another week or two I’ll be seeing them by the “hundreds” it is always exciting to see the first. The Inca Dove continues to defy the checklist,
it is supposed to be rare however it has been present throughout the winter at
either Santa Rita Lodge or Madera Kubo.
And now it is singing.
25 March 2014 Tuesday: I guided John from frosty New Jersey today
to Tubac and Patagonia. As we are
getting on the highway in Green Valley, we see three Harris’s Hawks perched
together on the first light pole south of the onramp. At Tubac we heard but did not see the Sinaloa
Wren and no migrant hawks passed while we watched. We did hear and see four Gray Hawks and
photographed several Broad-billed Hummingbirds, Vermilion Flycatchers, one Dusky-capped Flycatcher and a Lucy’s
Warbler. For the year list I saw a
brightly plumaged Cassin’s Vireo,
the first of several for the day. Before
getting to the lake, we saw a Northern Harrier soaring over the entrance
road. At Patagonia Lake State Park,
waterfowl were few but the Cinnamon Teal were spectacular. We saw & heard another Gray Hawk, watched
American Coots live up to one of their nicknames - mud hen, tried to photograph
more Broad-billed Hummingbirds & Vermilion Flycatchers, and successfully (I
believe) photographed a Northern Beardless Tyrannulet. We searched in vain for any of the trogons
that were reportedly seen earlier in the day.
On the sweep up Sonoita Creek (where I saw a female trogon recently) I
found a Warbling Vireo, my third
year bird for the day. We arrived at the Paton’s apparently following a visit by
a Gray Hawk. There were no birds except
a few hummingbirds. While we waited for
the return of the passerines John photographed Broad-billed, Anna’s, &
Black-chinned Hummingbirds. Eventually
the Violet-crowned Hummingbird showed up but at the feeder in the opposite
direction we faced. A lone male Lazuli
Bunting cautiously visited the seed feed on the west side of the yard and
eventually other seedeaters and the woodpeckers began to visit. Now it was as the Paton’s yard should be –
like a candy store. It was quite a productive day.
At the end of this week, the
year list stands at 283.
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