27 March 2014 Thursday: I scouted Montosa Canyon this morning
before the strong winds set in. I was
hoping to get some photographs of the reported pair of Black-capped
Gnatcatchers, I settle with hearing one.
I also heard my first Scott’s
Oriole for the year.
28 March 2014 Friday: I
guided Sharon & Phil and four friends around Madera Canyon this
morning. We spent most of our time
walking along the Proctor Road trail. I
did not bring my camera today because of the large number of people – therefore
we had up close and personal looks at a Zone-tailed
Hawk over a thirty-minutes period, a pair of Northern Beardless Tyrannulets foraging at close range with no
viewing obstructions, and a pair of Bell’s Vireos doing the same. Had I brought
the camera, none of that would have happened.
We also heard at least one singing Scott’s Oriole and up to three
Montezuma Quail calling. Up at Madera
Kubo, most of us saw a male Blue-throated
Hummingbird. At the Santa Rita
Lodge, one of the female Cassin’s Finches remains and a male Black-headed
Grosbeak was heard singing but not seen.
29 March 2014 Saturday: With the exception of about 45 seconds, I
did not watch birds today. During the
morning hours I was at the Friends of Madera Canyon volunteer appreciation
breakfast and for the rest of the day I was replacing the kitchen sink and
faucet. As I was unloading the new sink
from my truck, I heard a call that I’ve not heard for several months – a Hooded Oriole. I got my binoculars and was fortunate to see
a wonderfully plumaged male fly into the Palo Verde tree in the front. Number 286.
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Immature Harris's Hawk - Green Valley |
31 March 2014 Monday: I was
out with Sharon & Lois this morning.
Sharon had a few lifers she wanted to see and unfortunately still
has. We first tried for the Sinaloa Wren
in Tubac. Though we heard it rather well
several times, we were not able to see any movement from this bird. Next was
Montosa Canyon for the Crissal Thrasher.
Similar story, we heard one thrasher singing way up on the hillside
(south slope of canyon) and we were not able to put binoculars on it. A last minute decision paid off, a second
year Harris’s Hawk perched atop an Agave stalk in a Green Valley neighborhood.
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